Surgery can be a scary experience for the patient and their loved ones. Finding out you need surgery can lead to anxiety for both you and your loved ones. Holy Family Memorial offers the EASE application during major surgeries at Froedtert Holy Family Memorial Hospital. The EASE application is a HIPAA compliant texting application that allows your family and friends to receive updates from the operating room to their mobile device.

How EASE works

EASE Applications How it Works from EASE Applications on Vimeo.


Frequently Asked Questions



What is EASE?

EASE (Electronic Access to Surgical Events) is a HIPAA compliant software platform for updating and educating families and friends on a loved one’s surgery. It is an optional service brought to you by your hospital.

How does EASE work?

Download the app from either the Apple or Android Store. After the registration process, a unique access code is generated which is then scanned by your health care professional to create a secure connection. Soon you will be receiving updates.

What kind of updates are sent?

The hospital’s clinical team will choose the content to send you throughout the surgery. You may receive pictures and videos depending on the type of procedure and at the discretion of the clinical team.

Is the EASE app secure?

EASE uses 256-bit encryption to protect all communications as they are sent and received. EASE also abides by the same health care regulations (HIPAA) that your hospital uses to keep your protected health information secure.

Is anything saved on my device?

No. All texts, photos, and videos disappear after 60 seconds of viewing them. Nothing is saved on your device.

How do I know if my doctor participates in EASE?

Talk to your doctor and ask them if they participate in EASE. Ask them what kind of updates you will receive and enjoy the experience of never leaving your loved one’s side.


What HFM Patients Are Saying

“This app reduced my stress. My mother having surgery across the country was difficult. I felt like I was right there getting updates. Thank you!”

“This app was a Godsend for our family. We greatly appreciate the timely updates that helped to ease our concerns about our loved one’s surgery. Thank you so much for providing this wonderful service!”

“Using EASE was an experience I did not know even existed. Getting the updates about my moms surgery as they were happening helped keep me up to date and calm about the whole procedure. The pictures and video at the end added even more to the interesting experience. I definitely would recommend this app to any family going through surgery!”

“Thank you for such a wonderful service. I live out of state and having this app was wonderful since I didn’t have to keep calling my sister in law for updates and she didn’t have to keep making phone calls to family who could not be there.”

Our Surgical Team
